
A WebHook is an HTTP callback. i.e an HTTP POST that occurs when something happens; a simple event-notification via HTTP POST. A web application implementing WebHooks will POST a message to a URL when certain things happen.

Duplo sends webhooks events that notify your application any time a payment event happens in any of your virtual account.

You can setup webhooks that would let us notify you anytime events on your Duplo dashboard, all webhooks must be assigned a verify hash that would be attached to the notification header. This is required to confirm that the request is from Duplo.

200 OK

   "message": "A new event just occurred on your account",
   "data": {
     "event_type": "ACCOUNT_INFLOW",
        "completed_on": "2019-07-24T14:12:28.000+0000",
         "description": " A new transaction",
         "wallet_ref" :"dp_wallet_drNR8Eyio4DwE4CeXh2wXc",
         "account_ref": "dp_act_2rNR8EyioMDwEcHCeXh2wXi",
         "status": "PAID",
         "transaction_reference": "dp_trans_7hdgssdsss",
         "payment_reference": "dp_pm_jdshsdsds",
         "merchant_name": "Raenest",
         "type" :"credit"
         "amount": 100.00
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